Blood pressure management Experts





Blood Pressure Management

Managing high blood pressure can be a difficult task. Blood pressure varies throughout the day and with everyday stressors. Identifying the difference between normal increases in blood pressure and blood pressure elevation that requires medical intervention can be challenging in the current practice environment.

PressureMD is focused on bringing elevated blood pressure under control. We focus on individualized care to assist in selecting medications that work better for you. In addition to an emphasis on lifestyle management we provide a more precise and personalized approach to the difficult task of managing your elevated blood pressure.

Second Opinion for Uncontrolled Blood Pressure

It is always wise to get a second (or third, etc.) opinion on any decision that you make in life. Everyone has various backgrounds and experiences that may lead to insight on situations that ultimately helps the outcome be successful. The same goes for managing blood pressure. Maybe you have already gotten an opinion/diagnosis from someone, but you want to be sure that the diagnosis and treatment are headed in the right direction.

Here at PressureMD, we do not want to compete with your primary care clinician, but we do want to make sure that you receive the most accurate treatment for your situation that will produce that most successful outcome. Your health is the most important factor in the equation, and we offer the ability to get a second opinion before making any final decisions in regards to your blood pressure management.

Testing for Apol1

PressureMD offers advanced testing for Apolipoprotein L1 (Apol1) gene variants, which are associated with an increased risk of kidney disease progression in certain populations. Through genetic testing, we aim to identify individuals at higher risk and tailor treatment strategies accordingly, optimizing patient outcomes and quality of life.

Reinforce Lifestyle Modification for Hypertension

Hypertension is also known as high blood pressure or “pressure”. Blood pressure is literally the pressure that blood puts on the walls of the vessels in your body. When that pressure gets too high it is called hypertension.

Blood pressure is measured by a special machine called a sphygmomanometer or blood pressure machine. A cuff is applied around the arm or wrist and inflated and special sensors are able to get the reading of the pressure in the vessels. The systolic pressure is the pressure when your heart beats. The diastolic pressure is the pressure when your heart relaxes.

Treatment of hypertension involves the use of medications and is benefited by lifestyle modification including a low salt diet, decreasing stress and exercise. PressureMD will help manage uncontrolled hypertension to decrease the chance of end organ damage.

Early Stage CKD Evaluation

We offer thorough assessments and screenings for early-stage CKD, utilizing state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and techniques. Our team of experienced medical professionals works diligently to identify early signs of kidney dysfunction, empowering patients to take proactive measures to safeguard their kidney health.

Comprehensive Care Approach

Our medical practice emphasizes a holistic approach to kidney health, encompassing patient education, lifestyle modifications, and personalized treatment plans. We collaborate closely with patients to develop individualized strategies aimed at slowing disease progression, managing symptoms, and promoting overall well-being.

Patient-Centered Care

At PressureMD, we prioritize patient comfort, dignity, and involvement in their healthcare journey. Our compassionate team strives to create a supportive environment where patients feel empowered to actively participate in decision-making and take charge of their kidney health.

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